Value-Based Contracting
Rewarding Providers for Focusing on Value
We enhance a value partner contract portfolio by adding value based contracts to the existing fee-for-service contracts that reward providers for focusing on quality and cost.
We have a well-established working relationship with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and have implemented several Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). These include ACO REACH and the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACO models. We will continue to work with CMS as new value based models are developed in the future.
CHESS has grown from offering 15 value contracts to 29 value based Traditional Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Commercial contracts ranging from pay for performance, gain share, partial risk and full risk financial arrangements.
We have proven successes in enabling and expediting the value partner transition through the spectrum of value based contract models, resulting in financial success thanks to collaborative operational procedures.