VBC Dictionary: Contracting

Doctor's stethoscope on medical dictionary book containing terms on value-based care contracting.

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ACOAccountable Care OrganizationA group of health care providers incentivized to improve patient care.
 CapitationA fixed amount of money per patient paid in advance for the delivery of health care services.
CINClinically Integrated NetworkLegal entity that provides anti-trust framework to coordinate care, exchange data, improve documentation, and hold physicians accountable for providing quality care.
CAHPSConsumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and SystemsAnnual survey that asks patients to evaluate their healthcare experience.
 Cut PointsTargets set by payer.
DUAData Use AgreementContract used for the transfer of data.
 DeficitOccurs when medical expenses are more than target.
 DenominatorNumber of patients who quality for a quality measure.
DOFRDivision of Financial ResponsibilityCodifies which party is financially responsible for providing covered services.
 ExclusionsPatients excluded from quality measures after appropriate documentation provided.
FFSFee-for-ServiceTraditional healthcare reimbursement model focused on the number of services provided by a health provider.
HMOHealth Maintenance OrganizationType of Medicare Advantage plan that pays for care from providers in network and require the patient to select a primary care physician.
HOSHealth Outcomes SurveySurvey for Medicare Advantage that gathers health status data.
HEDISHealthcare Effectiveness Data and Information SetTool used to measure performance on important dimensions of patient care and services.
IBNRIncurred But Not ReportedFinancial accounting of health care services performed/provided but have not yet been invoiced.
 Managed CareTypes of health insurance focused on providing quality care and reducing costs.
MSOManaged Services OrganizationA business that supports the administrative and management functions of a risk-bearing entity.
 Measurement Year12-month timeframe when services are rendered. Also known as Performance Year (PY).
 Medical ExpensePaid claims plus any chargebacks.
 Medical Record DataInformation directly from a patient’s medical record to validate services rendered, not otherwise captured via medical or pharmacy claims, encounters, or supplemental data.
 Medicare Part A, B, C, DMedicare Part A – covers inpatient care, SNF, home health, hospice Medicare Part B – provider services, durable medical equipment, preventative services, some home health Medicare Part C – Medicare Advantage or Medicare replacement Medicare Part D – prescription drug coverage
NDANondisclosure AgreementLegally binding contract that establishes a confidential relationship.
 NumeratorNumber of members who are compliant with a quality measure.
P4PPay-for-PerformancePayment model that ties financial incentives to provider performance.
PMPMPer Member Per MonthMoney paid or received monthly for each attributed member.
PMPYPer Member Per YearMoney paid or received annually for each attributed member.
 Percent of PremiumThe proportion of direct medical expenses incurred for care to total premiums paid to the plan. Also known as Medical Loss Ratio (MLR).
PPOPreferred Provider OrganizationType of Medicare Advantage plan where patients have the option to see specialists and any provider in or out of network.
PDCProportion of Days CoveredAccording to Pharmacy Quality Alliance (PQA), the percent of days in the measurement period covered by prescription claims for the applicable medication(s).
PEXProvider Engagement Exchange 
 Reporting YearTimeframe when final data is reported for the measurement year, usually the year following the performance year.
 RiskPayment model that requires the provider to refund the payer for any losses incurred if financial benchmarks/medical loss ratio are exceeded.
 Risk Bearing EntityAn organization that assumes financial responsibility for cost of care.
 Shared SavingsPayment model that compares total spending to a target.
 Stop LossA product that provides protection against catastrophic or unpredictable losses.
 SurplusOccurs when medical expenses are less than target.

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